• US Delivery Service

    Our parcels are delivered by FedEx and despatched from our warehouse in the heart of England:

    FedEx STANDARD DELIVERY - $15.00

    Parcels will be despatched within 2 business days and delivered within 3-5 business days after despatch.

    Our FedEx delivery service is trackable through the FedEx website, you will receive your personal tracking link through your order despatch email. Please note, that orders for several items might be delivered in more than 1 parcel (this does not affect the shipping charge which is fixed regardless of the number of parcels). The shipping charge, including any taxes on shipping, is non-refundable.

    We regret that FedEx is unable to deliver to PO Box or Armed Forces addresses.

    If the value of your order is over $2,500, as part of standard US Customs and Border Protection Import Regulations, you may be contacted by FedEx prior to delivery in order to provide some additional personal information required for clearance.

    For any orders outside of the United States, please do the following:

    • If you are ordering from Germany, please visit our German website
    • All other international orders can be placed via our UK website


    All in-stock items for standard delivery are usually despatched from our warehouse in England within 2 business days of being accepted, to arrive with our US customers between 2 and 5 business days depending on the delivery service you chose.

    If we are awaiting delivery of a style which is currently not in stock, we will indicate this when you place an order online or over the phone. At this point, you will be advised of the latest date that the style will be despatched by. You will still be able to place an order for this item and you will not be charged until it is available to be despatched. This will not delay the despatch of any other items in your order. If we are unable to fulfil your order, we will inform you of this via email

    The delivery period stated within which you will receive your item(s) is approximate. Goods will be sent to the address given by you at the checkout page.

    All in-stock items are usually despatched in a single parcel, with a few exceptions such as footwear which is always despatched separately. Items on backorder will be despatched as soon as they become available. You will only ever be charged once for postage, regardless of how many parcels your goods are despatched in.

    Local tax may apply and if that is the case, the total value of the order will be adjusted at checkout. The amount of sales tax to be charged can depend upon many factors including the value and type of item purchased and the policy of individual states.

    However, you will not be charged for any import duties as this is covered by us.  If you are charged any additional duties or fees, please click here to contact our customer care team. 


    Once your order has been despatched, you will receive an email from us with your unique FedEx tracking link. This way you can follow the progress of your Wrap London® delivery from our warehouse in England to your front door.

    Signatures are mandatory on receipt of all FedEx shipments over $800, however if your parcel is expected to be delivered when you are not at home, you have an option to manage it.

    Simply register for free here and sign up for FedEx’s Delivery Manager tool. Once registered, among other features you can do the following:

    • Receive package alerts
    • Hold for pickup
    • Leave your parcel in a safe place
    • Request vacation hold for up to 14 business days. 

    If you do not request otherwise, via the FedEx’s Delivery Manager tool, your parcel will be left on your property if it is deemed to be safe.

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